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Fuel the body, feed the soul.

Our Nutrition Coaching focuses on mindful eating - it's never a diet, it's a non-judgemental practice of eating in a way that makes you feel healthy and happy.  And most importantly, it's a lifestyle with optimal results.

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  • Nutrition Coaching

    Every 4 weeks

Let J.Gil Fitness' Certified Fitness Nutrition Specialist help you transform your lifestyle with a flexible, balanced approach to fueling your body.  We will work towards building healthy, long term habits through (optional) nutrition tracking and portion awareness while identifying internal and external triggers behind what and when we choose to eat. 

Nutrition Coaching benefits and perks:

  • Personalized macros calculation with periodic updates.

  • Nutrition log reviews via MyFitnessPal for accountability.

  • Required progress check-ins with metrics updates.

  • Access to our nutrition chat for tips, and more.

  • Optional monthly Team challenges to keep you active alongside your nutrition program.


Personal Training
JGF On-Demand
Group Fitness
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